Thursday, September 4, 2008





实际的行动啊!因为新思维才能让代表信服,代表信服您, 您才能稳扎,才能走得更远。



在未作出决定时,尊重并聆听他人的意见,把队员当是你的伙伴,常以分享、协调、合作方式实践任务,然而他人才会听从并尊重你自己 始终,一个人的能力有限,合作式的领导,队员们才会从信服。


sienyin said...
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sienyin said...

One World One Dream
One Group One Objective
One Person One Pattern

高玄慧 Mandy Kaw said...

Thanks for sharing!

st said...

I really hate to see the politic conspiration which touch the races issue. From my point of view, this case should be never close but can be prolong the issue. Dear all comrades, if we are against our long time friend, who will benefits in this matter? I didn't mention to forget about this situation which harm our dignity, but we must work smart to solve this issue. How??? We will protest in the but we never leave the party. Without Party, how we build a community, and without community how we build the country. We must not influenced by the so call politic conspiration. We are not scapegoat who stuck in the middle of the fight. We must protest thru demostration, but we must not leave the Barisan Nasional because we can grow stronger. One man fault might not influence the whole party decision. Please fight for our dignity the smart way without losing our partner. We want answer and we don't pressure any decision made. Dear all comrades, I apologised for any words that hurt anyone.

米奇恳讲:... said...

I agreed & like your word we will protest but don't ever think of leave the party. This should be our basic PRINCIPLE.